Trail section

2 Tingsryd - Fridafors

  • Length

    28.8 km

  • Elevation

    144 m


For the entire distance between Norraryd and Karlshamn, you’ll be biking on a railway embankment that once belonged to the Karlshamn to Vislanda railway.

Stop for a while and admire one of the longest and most beautiful stone bridges in Småland at Blidingsholm, where the Sydostleden Trail crosses the Mörrum River.

The Mörrum River leads from Lake Åsnen before flowing into the sea, west of Karlshamn. The river's rapids was used in the past as a source of power to the mills, sawmills and industries. Along the river you can see the ruins and abandoned buildings, but also old plants may live on with new activities. Fridafors had paper mills for over a hundred years, until 1999. The mill specialized in paper for packaging.

Along the Sydostleden trail, there are train stations in the following towns:

Stage 1 – Växjö

Stage 3 – Karlshamn

Stage 4 – Karlshamn, Mörrum, Sölvesborg

Stage 5 – Sölvesborg, Bromölla, Fjälkinge, Kristianstad

Stage 6 – Kristianstad

Stage 7 – Simrishamn

28.8 km

144 m

  • 1-30 km
  • Lätt
  • Sjö
  • Cykelbana, asfalt
  • Sydostleden
  • Blandtrafik, asfalt




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Längs med leden finns massor av mysiga rastplatser. Photographer: Mickael Tannus
Photographer: Apelöga
Photographer: Apelöga
Photographer: Apelöga
Photographer: Apelöga

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