7 Brösarp - Simrishamn
49.6 km
420 m
This section offers winding roads and fantastic view on the hilly, well-preserved natural and cultural landscape of the Österlen region.
Along the trail, you’ll encounter the 18th century baroque Christinehof Palace, located in an ecological park that offers many relaxing strolls. Right next to this, you’ll find Alunbruket, the oldest cottage café in Skåne, where you can enjoy Swedish coffee and pastries in a wonderful old setting.
Only a stone’s throw from the Trail, you’ll find the Hallamölla Waterfall, with a well-preserved mill. Hallamölla is the highest waterfall in Skåne with an aggregate fall height of 23 metres.
High above the Baltic, with a view that extends for miles, is Vitaby Church with crow-stepped gables. Next to the church in the Hvitaby kyrkby farm dairy with its picturesque, cosy farm shop, and Vitaby Blueberries that offer you an opportunity to pick your own berries.
The surroundings are varied and consist of lovely cultivated land, grazing meadows and forest.
Kivik is the ultimate Apple Village, or even the capital of the Apple Kingdom, and is the home of the Kivik cider factory and the annual Apple Market.
Meet the farms and enjoy the various farm shops with their local products. Experience the fishing village with its tasteful mix of old and new houses. Stop at one of the cosy cafés and restaurants that cater to every taste. Which one will be your favourite?
At the end of the Linderöd Ridge, you’ll encounter Stenshuvud National Park, whose rock towers over the view toward the south. Stop a bit and walk up to the summit of the mountain.
Simrishamn, often called the capital of Österlen, dates back to the 12th century. Picturesque pastel-coloured houses with beautifully carved doors are a typical feature of this area. Explore the museums of this town, which describes the past and present of this beautiful region: The Österlen Museum, Gösta Werner & the Sea, the Autoseum, the Tannery Museum, and last, but not least, the Österlen Electric totem. Go shopping in Simrishamn’s shops and enjoy a delicious meal with local produce at the restaurants and cafés here. You’ll find a wonderful beach north of the city, as well as an outdoor pool with temperature-controlled sea water.
Along the Sydostleden trail, there are train stations in the following towns:
Stage 1 – Växjö
Stage 3 – Karlshamn
Stage 4 – Karlshamn, Mörrum, Sölvesborg
Stage 5 – Sölvesborg, Bromölla, Fjälkinge, Kristianstad
Stage 6 – Kristianstad
Stage 7 – Simrishamn
Highlights along the section
Here are some places that are frequently visited and appreciated by others.
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